The goal of NatureStation is to teach all people how to connect to, care for, and preserve nature. We will travel near and far until we have 100% participation in protecting our future.
This mobile classroom and exhibit dramatically increases the number of people that receive hands-on environmental education opportunities. NatureStation is available to visit local schools, fairs, classrooms, and parties.
Outreach Programs
FRNC is committed to partnering with other organizations who are equally passionate about programming capability, we can bring ecology lessons and tactile experiences to people who are unable to interact with nature because of logistical, transportation, or financial challenges. By bringing nature to you, everyone will be able to experience the benefits that exposure to nature provides.
School Classes and Parties
The interactive forest, wetland, quarry, and garden components of NatureStation enrich our programs. In addition, to delivering first-hand experiences, students benefit from the way we tie STEM concepts to nature. NatureStation allows us to visit places throughout Westchester and beyond to provide meaningful experiences to more people who do not interact with nature regularly. This connection to the environment will encourage a new generation of environmental stewards.