Come for the Birds, Stay for the Beauty: Exploring Our Bird Feeders

There are plenty of ways to set a relaxing ambiance while you sit back with your favorite hot beverage—leaf through a new book, throw on your favorite podcast, or scroll on your phone. Most people will gravitate to smooth jazz, lofi music, or anything that matches the cozy “coffee shop vibe.” I often rely on these options as well, but sometimes I crave something livelier. That's when I notice a bird flying by my kitchen window. Birdwatching offers a surprisingly soothing escape with its mix of bird calls, flapping wings, and occasional squirrel squeaks, all making for great background noise. Beyond the relaxation, each new visitor to the feeder brings a thrilling, tiny moment of discovery—a chance to identify a familiar feathered friend or spot a new arrival. Watching these birds interact, fly about, and go about their daily dramas is simple yet endlessly engaging. If you can’t view a feeder from your window, check out one of the many bird feeder live streams or feeder feeds, perfect for humans and stay-at-home cats alike. Better yet, come check out the real thing at one of our bird feeders at the Rye Nature Center!

On our grounds, we have two main feeding areas that are regularly topped off with bird seed. Our primary feeding area can be found and comfortably viewed from our back deck! If you find yourself in need of some meditative bird watching, you can’t beat taking a quiet seat back here! While the birds may scatter upon your initial approach, if you sit down and keep a low volume they will surely flock back to get to the feeder. Once they return, sit back and enjoy!  

A peek at our back deck’s bird feeder with a Red-Bellied Woodpecker visiting.

A close up of the same bird!

We also have a secondary feeder set up closer to the playground across from our sugar shed. While not as complex in set up, it still can get just as much bird activity! This feeder also makes for a great testing spot for ‘experimental bird feeders’ that we often make with preschool, camp, and other programs. These DIY feeders generally consist of a pinecone base, covered in Crisco, and rolled into some of our spare bird seed. So, feel free to bring your own or try one of these simple feeders at home!

An example of the above-mentioned DIY bird feeder featuring a Chickadee!

A simple DIY bird feeder consisting of cereal, apples, and other dried or fresh fruits. Simply place your available items throughout your skewer and tie one string around both ends!

Are you looking to maybe go a bit further with feeder watching? Friends of Rye Nature Center is a local provider of birdseed for our community! Setting up a bird feeder has plenty of benefits not only when it comes to your enjoyment, but also for our local and visiting feathered friends. Setting up a feeder can help supplement nutrients for local bird populations that overwinter in our area. They can also serve as pitstops for migratory birds on their journeys up north or back down south depending on the time of year. If you are interested in creating a drive-through or eat-in bird restaurant in your backyard, visit this link to peruse our seed selection. As a bonus, we will deliver the seed to you free of charge!

Our birdseed sampler!

For more information about turning your own backyard into a bird-friendly oasis follow this link to a useful article by the Natural Wildlife Federation.


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