NEW THIS YEAR! In addition to hosting our preschoolers in June Bugs, we are offering a ONE-WEEK SCHOOL’S OUT CAMP

June School's Out Camp

June 24 through 28
1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
$450/child for the week

For those who have just finished preschool through 4th grade.
Children will be grouped by their age levels.
All attendees must be at least 3.5 years old (born prior to December 24, 2020) and toilet trained.

Begin your summer vacation on the right note by embarking on a journey around the world! Each day, children will delve into a new region: the Arctic, wetlands, temperate forests, tropical rainforests, and the ocean. They'll discover the remarkable animal adaptations crucial for surviving extreme weather conditions, gather critters from our very own Nanderwhere Pond, and measure the towering heights of the largest trees in the rainforest. 

Children should eat lunch prior to coming to the program and bring a snack.

June Bugs

Space remaining in:

  • MORNINGS: Week 3

  • Afternoons: WeekS 1, 2 & 3

registration instructions below.


June Bugs 2024 Program offerings

JUNE 10 - JUNE 14 (Week 1)
Morning Session - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Afternoon Session - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

JUNE 17 - JUNE 21 (Week 2)
Morning Session - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Afternoon Session - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

JUNE 24 - JUNE 28 (Week 3)
Morning Session - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Afternoon Session - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


This camp is targeted toward preschoolers and kindergartners. All children who would like to enroll in the June Bugs program must be 3.5 by the start of the program (born before December 10, 2020). We offer morning and afternoon sessions.
Morning Program - $450
Afternoon Program - $390

The Morning Program

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Children enrolled in this program must bring a hearty, healthy lunch in a reusable bag.

The Afternoon Program

1:00 – 4:00 PM

Children should eat lunch prior to coming to the program and bring an afternoon snack.

In order to register, parents must have a membership at the Environmentalist level ($125) or higher. Membership must be valid through the program date. You may renew or purchase a membership upon registration. Registration is only available for the full week(s). Only children born before December 10, 2020, may register for June Bugs. All campers must be toilet trained (no pull-ups).

One of FRNC’s experienced educators will lead each group. No more than 16 children will be placed in a group. One additional assistant will be assigned to a group to maintain a low camper-to- counselor ratio; a second assistant will be added when necessary. All permanent staff are certified in Adult, Child, and Infant CPR and First Aid for First Responders. We are also trained to use EpiPens. Certifications are updated annually.


Link to Parent Packet

Link to Orientation Video


No refunds or credits will be given towards other programs, camps, or events if you cancel your enrollment or miss class days. In the event you need to cancel, a tax receipt will be issued to you indicating that your fee for the program was converted to a charitable donation. Membership is non-refundable. Please check your child’s calendar and schedule carefully prior to enrollment.

For questions about this program, please call FRNC at (914) 967-5150 or email

registration instructions

STEP ONE: Create an account. We recommend you do this using this link before the day of registration to limit the amount of information you will have to submit. If you have attended a program or supported FRNC in the past, we should already have an account on file for you. You can retrieve your login information using the “forgot password” option. If you are new to the Nature Center and our programs, you can create a new account.

STEP TWO: Register online. Beginning Friday, March 11 at 10:00 a.m. you can register online using the link on our website or the quick links section in your system account.  To make the process easier, you will only submit your child’s general information (name, date of birth, and sessions you wish to attend).

STEP THREE: Pay through PayPal. Once you submit the online form, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment. If you do not have a PayPal account you can still use the platform to pay with a debit or credit card. Your payment will be incomplete if you navigate away from PayPal before submission. We must receive the payment in order to process your application. 

STEP FOUR: Submit forms. You will submit registration forms, emergency contact and health information, and waiver to complete your child’s enrollment. We will also need a copy of your child’s immunization record before they attend the program (current copy is fine). If your membership is not valid through the program date, we will instruct you how to renew at this time.

June Bugs is the Rye Nature Center’s popular program for preschoolers and kindergarteners in the early days of summer. Children ages 3.5 through 6 years old will connect with nature through outdoor activities, arts and crafts, games, and hands-on ecology lessons. They will spend their entire program outside exploring the Rye Nature Center forest.  June Bugs will run rain or shine.